Un account Steam di Overcooked 2 è un account che ha acquistato il gioco Overcooked 2 sulla piattaforma Steam. Il gioco è disponibile nella libreria di questo account Steam; una volta scaricato, puoi giocarci.
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Experience once again the hectic world of moving kitchens and never-ending orders in Overcooked 2 the sequel of overcooked both developed by Ghost town games and team17. The game features a new campaign mode where you once again return to the onion kingdom to stop another deadly threat this time it’s the invasion of the risen Unbread. In order to beat them, you have to satisfy their cravings on 36 different levels split up into 6 worlds and 8 bonus levels that you can unlock while playing the game.
Busy friends list but short of local pals? This safe but solid sequel was made for you.
Great game design-wise and play ability-wise with a cute story to go along with it. It has the right kind of balance of being both easy to play and challenging at the same time. It really makes you think. The sequel is great for those who want to get into the series and you don’t need to have played the first to get into it. Overall a solid game.
The Bonus Edition Includes the base game for Overcooked 2 and the Too Many Cooks DLC.
The Bundle Edition includes 3 indie games based around the theme of chaotic cooking.
The Expert Pack includes the base game for Overcooked 2, the Season Pass which contains 3 DLC’s, the Surf n Turf DLC, and the Too many cooks pack.
The Gourmet Pack includes the base game for Overcooked 2, the Season Pass which contains 3 DLC’s, the Surf n Turf DLC, and the Too many cooks pack.
The Intermediate pack includes the base game for Overcooked 2 and two DLCs:
The Season Pass includes three DLC’s in one bundle the Carnival of Chaos, Campfire Cook-off, and Night of the Hangry Horde.
The Overcooked 2 Too many cooks pack includes five new chefs: Unicorn Chef, Walrus Chef, Monkey chef, Calico Cat Chef, and Purple Alien Chef.
The Overcooked 2 Surf and Turf Includes 12 new versus and co-op levels themed around the water, a new Water gun mechanic shoot water to clean dishes or cause chaos with your rival, and 2 new chefs the Parrot Chef and the Fiery Island Chef.
Find all the best prices for Overcooked 2 DLC’s on CheapDigitalDownload!
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